All these “alpha males” strutting around and not a single one of them could hold a candle to the legendary Fred Dibnah

All these “alpha males” strutting around and not a single one of them could hold a candle to the legendary Fred Dibnah

by Hmmark1984

  1. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a legend, top bloke and a pretty competent engineer… But tbh he was a bit of an asshole to women in general iirc. Different times and all that, but still, he’s not the perfect role model or anything.

  2. I’m told being an alpha male is old hat. Apparently it’s all about being “sigma” now. But yeah, I doubt any of them could Hotwire a traction engine.

  3. Is there any human alive who are superlative at anything, I mean really the best at whatever they do and who are also emotionally intelligent, good to their family and kind to animals. This type of human is driven by different demons and as we know, can and often are foul human beings. What we don’t do is reference the bad stuff as it’s not important. – unless they are pedophiles, actual mass murderers or Cryptocurrency salesmen.

  4. I just wonder how he was so nimble on those ladders with the massive set of bollocks he was carting around.

  5. I was lucky enough to spend some time with Fred, he and my grandad were close friends. Legend of a human

  6. If you listen carefully you can hear the rhythmic clang of his balls banging against the ladder as he mounts step by step

  7. If you have to go around telling people that you’re an “alpha male” or whatever, then you’re definitely not one.

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