Aberdeen ranked as the easiest place to save for a house deposit, according to new research

Aberdeen ranked as the easiest place to save for a house deposit, according to new research

by abz_eng

  1. Ironic because I left there for London in 2000 because it was the *worst place in Scotland to save for a deposit.*

    Aberdeen has seen a London slow collapse since 2008ish. I’ve often wondered whether the rest of the UK would see the same if the economy slowly continues to get worse. No crash, but a long slow grind downwards.

  2. Oil industry declining plus Stewart Milne, Cala, dandara, Malcolm Allan etc filling their boots building new builds all around the outskirts to the point of oversupply. It was one of the most expensive places to buy at one point but you can pick up flats in the city centre very cheaply these days, that coupled with a relatively high average salary level because of the remaining oil and gas jobs supports this headline.

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