Satellite image of the ammunition depot near Tikhoretsk before the explosion by OSINT researcher Daniel . He notes that in addition to the age of many of the storage facilities, a lot of the ammunition was stored right in the open air.

Posted by @yigal_levin

by Hotrico

  1. All of the buildings “protected” by revetments have nice piles of ammo stored out in the open connecting one building to the next. Hit one building, and you get a chain reaction that spreads it to all the other ones. Gotta love it when a plan comes together – particularly when Russian stupidity helps it along.

  2. I think them storing ammunition in open air isn’t a good sign when you are looking for indicators they are running out.
    I’m glad they are smashing these places, but sad they seem to have so much left that ammo has to sleep outside because storage is full. Or are these filled up because of relocation due to threats?

    O and do challenge this if you think I’m seeing this wrong!!

  3. No difference between the two I can see, except the second one is a small part of the first – top left corner.

  4. Open air is good. Open air is smart. Saves on building new buildings to store all these “excess” ammunition.

  5. Serves the stupid cunts right. Its their arrogance that’s galling they taught they could do this and not get caught.

  6. Russian domino: protecting the ammo depots with big barriers and then connecting them with explosive material. Fascinating.

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