Jamie Dimon is skeptical about a soft landing and says Fed rate cut won’t affect the election

Jamie Dimon is skeptical about a soft landing and says Fed rate cut won’t affect the election


by FUSeekMe69

  1. No wonder retirement age is set to 66-67 years. Beyond that threshold humans tend to start making bad decisions. We have seen with the politicians, CEOs, in fact in our families too. Not everyone but a good number of them.

    Ray Dalio, thats another one. From US in decline and China is winning to Chinese fundamentals are in the wrong direction within a few months.

    Social media is showing mental decline, you name it. Trump, Elon, Jamie, hate to say Biden, Ray, Larry Ellison, Eric Schmidt. Keep naming them and you can correlate continuing decline.

  2. Fucking Christ this man is a ghoul. He’s the poster child for why we shouldn’t let anyone have a billion dollars.

    This man makes decisions daily about your life, and you’re letting him. Why?

    Can you not make those decisions for yourself?

  3. no shit….a half percentage rate cut wont be felt until at BEST 6 months. when they jacked up rates during covid it took like 3 or 4 months once it hit 9%

    you dont get a cookie for a mindlessly obvious take

  4. With how polarizing trump is, I can’t imagine many people are truly undecided enough that this will sway them.

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