BBC Debate Night | Stephen Jardine asks “Anas Sarwar said: ‘read my lips, no austerity under Labour’ – did we misread his lips that night?”

by backupJM

  1. Still not as big a black hole as the £29 Billion PFI scandal Labour left us with last time they were in power…. Give them time I guess?

  2. The program is complete garbage, fit only for fans of “political theatre.”
    Macbeth is far superior.

  3. What Labour have to do better is explain in simple terms how the Tories fucked us over. They need to find a way to articulate this to the public to garner support instead of just saying, “Tories are cunts, we are not.”

    ** not a Labour supporter **

  4. To be fair this was a great example of how much influence Scottish Labour have on the actual UK Labour party – absolutely zero – a Sarwar led Scottish government would similarly be beholden to whatever the UK Labour party want to do – its once reason I will be voting SNP.

  5. All labour has done so far is increase pay for public sector workers.

    And ended universal winter payments for richer pensioners (a protected group under 14 years of Tory rule).

    BOTH decisions that were echoed immediately by the Scottish government.

    Despite then having full powers to do otherwise in Scotland.

  6. Anas Sarwar doesn’t run Labour, he has no authority to say anything about what it will (not) do.

  7. She refers to UK Labour as us. Does this mean that “Scottosh” and UK Labour are one and the same, and all those telling us they are separate and distinct were lieing bastards?

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