Cornered by Kamala, Trump Reiterates ‘No More Debates’ After VP Accepts CNN Invitation

Cornered by Kamala, Trump Reiterates ‘No More Debates’ After VP Accepts CNN Invitation

Cornered by Kamala, Trump Reiterates ‘No More Debates’ After VP Accepts CNN Invitation

Posted by inewser

  1. His balls are like his hands TINY. He doesn’t have the cajones to show up.

    A former president with, shall we say, impeccable character? You know, the one with:

    1. A string of failed businesses (yet somehow thinks he can manage the national economy),
    2. The impressive feat of bankrupting a casino (a place where the house always wins—except, apparently, with him),
    3. Three marriages, each starting with an affair on the previous wife (we all remember Stormy, don’t we?),
    4. A civil court ruling finding him guilty of rape,
    5. Not one, but two impeachments,
    6. An insurrection under his belt because he couldn’t stomach being called a “loser,”
    7. Thirty-two criminal counts in New York, and counting,
    8. And a litany of other legal issues that may never see the light of trial.
    9. Many, many lies that can be verified by a number of news outlets and fact check websites
    10. Truth Social financial failue

  2. I swear, even trumpy’s *balls* are made of pussy.

    Kamala got him running scared after the whoopin’ she gave him in their first debate! 

  3. Trump doesn’t care about the people he just wants power ridiculous. Almost 50% Americans want this clown to come back

  4. His primary defense was that it was now too late, since voting has already started, yet he debated Biden on October 22, 2020.

  5. He wanted to debate several times.. thought he was soo much smarter than her? Those big brain MIT genes.. he even challenged her to a cognitive.test.. maybe she should take him up on his golf challenge he gave to Biden.. a nice round of indoor miniature golf so his crazies cant shoot him..

  6. Weird, I heard he *liked* getting spanked.

    Maybe Harris just didn’t know his safe word, and just kept going to town on him. 

    Regardless, he’s a bully and a coward that got put in his place, and that place is an old convicted felon that’s unfit for office because of the dementia that he is being almost completely taken over by. 

  7. I’m Gonna be Really Bummed out of this loser gets back in Office!

    If You never Registered to vote Do so!
    And if you are please vote against this guy so we can be rid of him….

    Don’t not vote that’s how he will win 👍

  8. If I were Trump and had over 16 million Americans laugh at him during the 1st debate I wouldn’t want to have another debate either. She played him like a fiddle. His perception , he won because “if you’re a winner you don’t ask for a rematch”, therefore she lost. Hate to tell him, this isn’t a fight match at his hotel.

  9. **He’s a genius! I knew it.** He’s intentionally acting like a coward, in order to manipulate the stock market, and solve the oldest yet most well-known math problem, called Goldbach’s Conjecture. And then he’s going to slip back in time using lucid dreaming, and save JFK from being assassinated. THEREFORE, he’s going to selflessly buy a ton of Google stocks, and give it out to us freely, and changing his name to Robin Hood! I’m so happy and proud to be a maga supporter!!! Yaaay! (claps hands ethusiatically and quickly like a tweety bird) Trump2020, Trump2020! cmon everyone say it with me! Trump2020!

  10. Aw man, me and my international students already stole 2 dogs and a cat, we were going to have a barbecue for the next one.

  11. he washed even w Hillary, and easily beat Biden. But Kamala cleaned his clock…made him look stupid. He is scared.

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