We should have more random food celeb mash ups…

He did have gold tops for his marmite (yeah yeah German food scientist)

by gogoluke

  1. Featuring all your favourite tracks:

    – Don’t Go Breaking My Jar

    – Umami Dancer

    And everyone’s favourite

    – Mona Yeastas and Mad Hatters

  2. I like Elton but I don’t like marmite if i threw this into the air would it spin indefinitely Like a double sided buttered toast?

  3. I try to like many condiments, but…it always seems to me that marmite seems to be the hardest spread.

  4. This is as random as they come but Nothing beats the combo of Johnny rotten and countylife butter 😂

  5. I saw this in Sainsburys this afternoon and I couldn’t understand anything about it. Why does this even exist?

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