Why do some apartments have such expensive Nebenkosten relative to the rent?

Why do some apartments have such expensive Nebenkosten relative to the rent?

by CupcakeTime2119

  1. They charge you what the companies charge them for utilities. That’s at best very indirectly related to room size, etc (in that poorer ppl often use less water).

  2. Well, Nebenkosten are costs that are based on utilities, not on a relation to the rent (which is just very low in this case).

    If the rent is low e.g. because the building is old and has bad insulation, heating it will be a pain in winter and cost much more than heating a more modern building for example.

  3. Next to costs for heating which can be very high in low-rent buildings due to bad insulation, it also depends on the amount of services that belong to the building – mine doesn’t include cleaning service for the staircase e.g., each tenant has to do it themselves, so it’s cheaper. Anything with an elevator has higher costs. If a building manager puts the trash can out for you and you don’t have to do it yourself, you pay for that.

  4. Is heating included in the Nebenkosten? 

    My flat is “cheap” … 300 renting + 120 Nebenkosten…. 
    And 180 a month for that shitty old heating.

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