It’s Late Thread [ 21 September 24 ]

Wahey, it's late, it's Saturday night!

Why are you still up? Off out for a fight? Doing the night shift?

Come on in for a chat.

What is the best food?

by AutoModerator

  1. Ate some Moroccan chickpea stew yesterday and it was so hot that it burned off some skin on the inside of my mouth. Sucked. Adding this to the sinusitis that I’ve been batting for 3 weeks now.

    I woke up at 2pm today and it’s been such an unproductive Saturday. I’m hoping to get some take-out tomorrow.

    The best food is Indian dishes. I have too many to choose.

  2. I’m in London (ish). It’s very warm and, sorry my fellow countrymen, the water doesn’t taste great. Looking forward to heading back up the road and into my own bed again tomorrow!

  3. I watched Have I Got News For You US. It’s 15 minutes longer than the UK version, apparently to make up for all the cheering. The contestants actually seem invested in winning, too, which takes away from it. 3/10.

    Best food: Currywurst.

  4. It’s my last full day in New York, coming back tomorrow. Absolutely loved it. My feet have never been sorer after each day but it’s been great

  5. Iv eaten lasagna for lunch,roasted broccoli with rice and tuna for dinner with brownie for pudding so stomach is very happy for once.

    Only 1 item left on my todo list of 6 items , i was going todo half today half tomorrow plus i got lots of reading done hopefully finish both books tomorrow meaning 2 new books monday.

    Also blocked my ex after I sent a last message of i you see me or anyone associated with you sees me please leave me the fuck all you dumped me so leave me alone and i feel so much better for doing that.

    Single for life no more relationships not worth it.

  6. > What is the best food?

    The Kyiv burger from the Lounges. Hold the lettuce and gerkhins though. I’m going to make it my mission to recreate this at home because it really is the best thing I’ve ever eaten. 

    Had been starting to feel a bit better but I’ve just had another massive sneezing fit. Blahhhh. I’m meant to be going to view my new house on Monday morning & then physio appointment to work out what I can do with my bloody shoulder  but at this rate I’ll be postponing both. 

    Also period has decided to show up, SIX days early. Though that does give some extra explanation to last nights meltdown. 

  7. Cheat day today, so made my massive sandwich. Couldn’t get gruyere or pancetta cos our Tesco sucks, so had to use parma ham and cheddar, but it was still awesome.

    Watched [Curse of the Sin Eater]( with dinner and was pleasantly surprised, it’s a pretty original little horror. Though I do have the weirdest crush on [the butler]( now.

    >What is the best food?

    I think the best things I’ve ever had is a [japanese pork belly]( I made years ago, my nans lard chips, and a weird ‘curried mince’ (that I’m pretty sure had no curry in it) that my Auntie used to make.

  8. Barbecue didn’t happen but both legs remain attached so we’ll call it a draw. Super Reds also managed a late winner after conceding a late equaliser. I also had my eyes tested, apparently they’re slightly better than they were two years ago so that’s good I guess, though I can’t say I understand how.

    Ribs are the best food.

  9. I moved to a quieter area of Leeds earlier this week. It’s lovely in many ways, and I definitely don’t miss my old neighbours who were always setting the fire alarms off. But it’s a bit less convenient, and my local supermarket is Lidl, which doesn’t sell gluten-free cereal or bread. I guess it’s an excuse to go for a longer walk and explore a bit.

    There are so many good foods, but dauphinoise potatoes have to be one of the best.

  10. We had a fair chunk of the rain and some thunderstorms earlier on, so I was quite happy with that as they usually miss us.

    We’ve got more thunderstorms approaching us now which are less fun because there’s a chance it wakes up my Gran in a panic and then it’s a rigmarole of getting her settled and back to sleep. Here’s hoping she’s conked out of it already and sleeps through until the morning.

  11. I had a lie in and an afternoon nap, and now I am going to go to sleep. I like days that are mostly spent unconscious.

  12. Feel like the weekend is going by too fast. Today was on fast forward for sure.

    Clock said 9.30am then 8pm and now 20 past midnight. Bloody hell.

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