Russian ICBM RS-28 Sarmat test was a complete failure. The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site.

Russian ICBM RS-28 Sarmat test was a complete failure. The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site.

by Florencki

  1. [](

    >The Sarmat is a liquid fueled missile so this accident could have occurred separate from the actual launch activity. If this occurred as part of the fueling process, it could explain the lack of Cobra Ball activity on the day of the incident. This first, and last successful test of the Sarmat was April 20th, 2022. With these events now official, this is at least the 4th failed test attempt of the “combat operational” Sarmat Heavy ICBM.

    Looks like nuclear sabre rattling went south. Sarmat so far have only 20% success rate, 1 out of 5 times.

  2. Typical fucking russian shit………..ahahahahahahah……………smoking accident………….ahahahhahah…………the shitiest military products on earth………………ahahahahahaahahah

  3. “ President Putin… I am glad to report that are ICBM explodes very well!” by General Gerasimov 😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  4. The proverbial sword self-destructed before it ever left the sheath.

    Yet another flaccid performance for Putin’s and his “[super six](” *wunderwaffen*, premature “detonation” and all. This is his threat to the civilized World, one posing greater harm to Russian testers than ostensible adversaries.

    Time to have the good sense to fit Ukraine with the means to render the military defeat that puts this animal and his regime out of its misery. It’s a public embarrassment to itself and no longer serves a purpose.

  5. Even the earth and elements hates Ruzzia. There will come a time where they can’t afford a shit.

  6. What a bunch of fucking clowns. Murdering, raping, thieving, kidnapping clowns.

    The only thing they shoot more than schools and hospitals happens to be themselves.

  7. Lmao Russia is being shown to be an equivalent to North Korea. Imagine being so stupid as Putin to expose your country that was thought of a world power, to a third country dictatorship. Whomp whomp

  8. Typical Russian propaganda. They’re the reason why, minuteman 3, F-15 and F-22 was born because Russians oversell their capabilities and efficiency of their equipments, planes and vehicles that were always a complete failure right from the start.

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