How Storm Shadows Open the Door for ATACMS and JASSMs in the Russo-Ukrainian War

How Storm Shadows Open the Door for ATACMS and JASSMs in the Russo-Ukrainian War

Many are arguing that Western restrictions on the use of Storm Shadow and other long-range missiles are tying Ukraine’s hands.

And news that Iran is supplying Ukraine with Fath-360 ballistic missiles is only compounding fears that Ukraine’s air defenses won’t hold up against daily Russian aerial attacks.

On Sept. 13, Ukrainian disappointment was palpable when a meeting between US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer didn’t result in an announcement in support of Ukraine’s use of Storm Shadows.

However, Ukraine supporters are seeing signs that the US may be coming around to letting the UK give Ukraine the green light for Storm Shadow strikes on military targets in Russia.

Kyiv Post’s Jeremy Dirac tells you what you need to know about the debate over Storm Shadows, how they could open the door for other long-range missiles like ATACMS and JASSMs, and how they could be a key factor in the trajectory of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

  1. Apparently the U.S. now requires Ukraine to jump through flaming hoops and spin straw into gold in order to qualify for "further discussions" on the use of long-range missiles.

  2. Didnt open any doors. " there's talk , there's talk " thats all there is! Biden is NOT going to allow Russia and Putin to be defeated , not by United States weapons anyway. He will not make the decision now nor after the election.

  3. How despicable is Biden! He fully supports the genocidal regime of Satanyahu in his attempt to exterminate all Palestinians but mimics support for Ukraine in its fight for survival.

  4. I have two daughters and I rarely see them if ever I could not possibly imagine losing all your daughters like that. What evil son of a b** that son of a b** is. Why are we allowing him to live, we are such cowards!

  5. What happened to other so called game changers like F-16,Himars or abram tanks and so funny Russia has managed to jam and destroyed these storm shadows,Scalp and now ATACMS hence the Crimea bridge is still today proudly standing.

  6. The truth is tgst nothing is a real game changer. Each weapon system contributes something to the effort. The total types of systems, together, is the game changer.

  7. Putin and his coats lies to the people lies, constantly threatening them, and all this when they barely got stuff to fight Ukraine and they want to sit there and run their mouth. We need to put them out of business for good.

  8. —- < The JASSAMS havve a longer range than the ATACMs. However, according to President Zelensky, Russia has already moved its airplanes out of range. It Ukraine still has cluster munitions, they should probably use them and the dragon drone in Pokrovsk. Approval for long range missiles is needed but would probably negatively impact the U.S. election November 5.

  9. There is allies who haven't set any restrictions and who have AGM-158 JASSM's like Poland, Finland and Australia. These are "short" range 350km air-to-surface missiles not the 1000km ones. Polish and Australians JASSM's are already in F16 system while Finnish are in F/A18 system. I assume the US has blocked those otherwise they would been on use already? …at least Poland and Finland has purchase all their weaponry only to target russian soil.
    Slava Ukraini!

  10. The storm shadow has already been used on what the Russians already claim to be their territory. It was used to destroy the Naval headquarters in Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula.

  11. Fact: ATACMS is not a long-range missile. It’s a mid-range weapon. The U.S. Tomahawk is the U.S long-range missile. Funny how they sold you a bill of goods that ATACMS is long-range. You are arguing over mid-range weapons.

  12. Ukraine already has long range weapons that have demonstrated 70kt of damage to 3 military storage assets! The object of opening the door to use ATACAMS / JASSM's is a message to Russia to end the war & withdraw from Ukraine for peace! The flood of precision weapons like storm shadow, SCALP & TAURUS is the message to Bunker Grandpa Putin there is nowhere to hide so cut your losses and withdraw from Ukraine for peace!

  13. Actually, AFU is striking much further into Russia with its own innovative armed drones and especially now it’s developed the Polynitsia all of which strike further than ATACMS or Storm Shadow do.

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