Losses of the Russian military to 22.9.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 22.9.2024


  1. 25 000 enemy logistics vehicle mark reached with around 200 land equipment destroyed, overall a very strong day for AFU!

  2. This is staggering. I thought I just heard that Ukraine has lost 80,000 men. How can it be possible that Russia has lost 8x more? How can this be seen as anything but a disaster on every level for Russia?

  3. Purely unsustainable… Just unfortunately a fuckton of old Soviet shenanigans kickin around, almost over tho

  4. Either a couple of new trainloads of equipment showed up or they have taken stuff they have been accumulating out to play and Ukraine has had a very good day breaking Russians and thier shit.

  5. I just commented in a different sub which featured a video of attacks near Torestsk that gone blown in the next universe. the ruzzians are still using the soviet “Deep Battle” doctrine (also called “Deep Operation”) of which one feature is “mass” armor assault head on to the enemy.

    This is a strategy that dates back to the 1930’s. It resulted in massive losses of soviet armor in WW2 battles, but it prevailed simply because the Soviet army literally could throw division after division into the attacks. The whole ruzzian ethos of invincibility to this day stems from Deep Battle: propagandists touted the victories and the incredible losses were swept under the rug despite the losses of thousands of pieces of armor.

    ruzzia has been employing deep battle extensively in Ukraine and it seems that with the orders from Putler to make gains by Oct 1 in Donetsk and elsewhere it has had a resurgence in the last week. The losses have been punishing – as many of you are aware in one attack a couple of days ago 50% of the attacking tanks and IFVs were certainly confirmed destroyed (over 40 destroyed) and later reports suggested that as the remaining armor retreated most of it was incapacitated or destroyed as well.

    The problem the ruzzians have now is that they don’t know any other strategy: from top to bottom of the chain the professional capability is poor and the soldiers who have to execute have minimal training. But worse for the ruzzians is they simply lack the armor resources. So instead of a mass attack comprising hundreds of tanks and IFVs at once it is paltry waves of 10-20+ strung out in one or two lines. And when it falters the strategy bites the dust. Along with the casualties being enormous.

    The counts are high today because the after action reports were able to validate more of the losses from the attacks Monday through Friday. And the sum of the week totals are marvelous for my eyes as I think that the ruzzian ability to keep up these attacks is waning.

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