Russian BMP-3 ammo load detonates after hitting a mine, survivors finished by drone-dropped grenades, Donetsk region

Russian BMP-3 ammo load detonates after hitting a mine, survivors finished by drone-dropped grenades, Donetsk region

by bladeeEnjoyer395

  1. crazy how efficient their mine rollers are, that’s again -1 mine and -1 grenade taken from ukraines war effort

  2. Those BMPs seem like death traps. I wish the US would send more Bradley’s so Ukrainian soldiers don’t have to rely on their BMPs for combat.

  3. Honest assessment, I think the drone guy was actually pretty nice to finish them off like that. I’m not sure how long I’d want lay there with my eyelids peeled off and my jaw broken, my face leaking every fluid in my body, staring at my dying buddy three feet away, unable to blink or turn because my spine was shattered.

    Indeed, thank you drone operator, for sending that grenade down.

  4. that guy’s face was already gone wasn’t it. I suppose it’s good that ukrainin fpv operators provide mercy killings

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