Is this economy in good shape?

Is this economy in good shape?

by freshlumber

  1. I don’t understand the two-bedroom comparison. Many people can’t even afford a studio living on minimum wage.

  2. raising the wage isnt going to help much , we need govt regulations on real estate inflation

  3. Lower the housing prices. That is the good answer. We are funneling the money of generations on a few hands.

  4. It’s not the economy, it’s politics. We need to get people to stop voting against their own interests.

  5. The population has increased over the decades.
    A two income ,college educated couple can afford much more than a single income couple with a non working spouse like in the 50’s and early 60’s
    Plus, the availability of desirable real estate in the coast areas is limited. All these factors contribute to prices going up. Prices reflect what the market will bear.

  6. A living wage will relentlessly need to be adjusted by beauracrats. Price controls on necessities would be more reliable.

  7. Why is it only a two bedroom now? Why not a 3 or 4 or 5 bedroom? Why an apartment? Why not a condo or townhouse or single family home?

  8. In other news, a full time worker making minimum wage cannot afford a 50 bedroom mansion on their own private island with a private jet. Is the economy in good shape? Time for a ~~rich~~ living wage. /s

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