Kyiv marathon will shun starting pistol to protect ex-soldiers from PTSD

Kyiv marathon will shun starting pistol to protect ex-soldiers from PTSD

by TheTelegraph

  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    The Kyiv Marathon will on Sunday shun the traditional starter’s pistol to protect veterans from PTSD triggers.

    The event’s organisers decided to replace the customary sound of a gun shot with a less-triggering sound after carrying out a scientific study on ex-servicemen.

    It has been billed as Ukraine’s “first barrier-free marathon” and is expected to attract thousands of disabled participants, included men and women with life-changing injuries sustained fighting against the [Russian invasion.](

    “We have been organising marathons for nine years and firmly believe that there is no place for gunshots or pistols at running events in any form,” said Olena Plakhova, of Nova Post, the team behind ‘Start without a Shot’.

    “We were eager to integrate Ukrainian motifs into the sound, while keeping it modern, conveying a sense of unity to the runners, and avoiding any traumatic associations.”

    The sound resembles that of the countdown of beeps used to start Formula One races, rather than a single gunshot.

    Sound designers also modelled the gentler tone on a plane hurtling down the runway to take off or the countdown of a clock before New Year.

    ***Read more:*** [](

  2. Very sad, should probably have no drones filming either. Can’t even imagine the sort of PTSD those things cause, either by invisibly dropping bombs, or chasing you down with their electric motors screaming.

  3. Meanwhile, on NYE everyone will let off fireworks and if you tell them to stop because maybe people with PTSD will become distressed (not to mention the damage to wildlife/pets/environment) they’ll tell you you’re ruining the fun and insult you.

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