FW 190 pilot bails out after being shot down by a P-51 Mustang (Romania, 1943).

FW 190 pilot bails out after being shot down by a P-51 Mustang (Romania, 1943).

by Legatus_Aemilianus

  1. no one ever thinks about getting hit by your own plane when bailing out….but it happens.

  2. 15 AF got their first P-51 in spring of 1944. Also, German planes in Romania at that time were exclusively Bf-109 or nightfighting twin-engined designs. The only time when a P-51 and a FW-190 could meet over Romania was in the second half of 1944, when USAAF started their shuttle bombing missions with pit-stops in Soviet Union, and the German aerial units assigned to the Eastern front got pushed into Hungary and Romania. On the other hand, Romanians had IAR 80, their indigenous fighter with radial engines that could have been misidentified as FW.

  3. What were American fighters doing over Romania? Was it some sort of support for the USSR? Were they operating from Italy or Russian territories?

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