My Worcester Sauce expired Jan 22. Sure it will be fine, right?

My Worcester Sauce expired Jan 22. Sure it will be fine, right?

by greggels86

  1. It’ll probably taste better – the stuff that goes into it “matures” in casks for months before being used The original sauce was forgotten in a cellar for ages before being analysed

    “Looking to make space in the storage area some 18 months later, the chemists decided to try it and discovered that the long-fermented sauce had mellowed and become palatable”

  2. Texture can be a mess (it forms “sediment” when it gets old) but it’s safe and tastes mostly as good.

  3. Wasn’t it Worcester sauce that was made by accident? Think they came back to an old factory and found barrels sat for like half a century, thus giving us Worcester sauce. Don’t think it can go out of date 🤷

  4. No one is expected to finish a bottle of that, anyway. We usually inherit a bottle from our parents and then pass it down to our kids.

  5. Back in my grandad’s day they didn’t even have expiration dates, just sturdy tummies!

    (goes to yell at a cloud)

  6. Yes. They only put a best before date on because of EU rules. Years ago they didn’t bother. It takes 3 years to “expire” so it will be fine.

    It is affected by time though. Older sauce is a lot nicer.

  7. Worcestershire sauce doesn’t expire, instead the date on the bottle is an estimate on when the world will end. If you get further with something in the bottle, you’re one of the lucky ones

  8. Things like Worcester sauce don’t expire. Their “best before” date is the date that they put on which is the date that in theory it still tastes at its best, assuming that it tastes it’s best when packaged up.

    If it has a”use by”, then that’s use it by, or you might become ill.

    Some of the nicest beers I’ve ever had have been multiple years past their best before date. I’m not dead yet.

  9. It started out life as fermented anchovies, can’t see it getting any worse! (if it tastes fine and doesn’t look too funky then crack on)

  10. I found a bottle in my kitchen once when I was a teen. I tried it and loved it. Started putting it on everything.

    I told my mum about my new love for the sauce, and she was like you found it in the cupboard? Cause I’ve never brought a bottle.

    We checked and it was something like 8 or 9 years out of date. She reckons it was probably in the cupboard when we moved into the house.

    I still buy the stuff but it’s never been the same as that first bottle. Feels like I’m chasing a high.

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