As is readily apparent, the RS-28 Sarmat test was a complete failure. The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site.

As is readily apparent, the RS-28 Sarmat test was a complete failure. The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site.

by rulepanic

  1. >My thanks to @MT_Anderson
    for providing this Planet Labs imagery and allowing me to publish it with comments.

    >As is readily apparent, the RS-28 Sarmat test was a complete failure. The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site. The Sarmat is a liquid fueled missile so this accident could have occurred separate from the actual launch activity.

    >If this occurred as part of the fueling process, it could explain the lack of Cobra Ball activity on the day of the incident. This first, and last successful test of the Sarmat was April 20th, 2022.

    >With these events now official, this is at least the 4th failed test attempt of the “combat operational” Sarmat Heavy ICBM.

    >Note the 4 fire trucks responding to the forest fire.

  2. So much of the ruZZin terrorist federation military capability is compromised by corruption & incompetence.

  3. This is what happen when you arrest all your top researchers and scientists and charge them with unfounded treason.

  4. No doubt Russia has suffered major brain drain over the last decade. All the smart people have fled, leaving behind 2nd rate people to develop and test its missiles.

  5. With a nuclear par incoming, Russia would clearly nuke itself, faster than any other nations response time.

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