People expect Man City to be wiped ‘from face of the Earth – Guardiola.

People expect Man City to be wiped ‘from face of the Earth – Guardiola.

by mafyoo

  1. Pep is trolling, he knows all these fans are going to have the biggest meltdown of all-time 😂

  2. The r/football thread for this is hilarious.

    If we’re guilty, I hope we receive a suitable punishment, but if we’re found innocent I hope we drag the Premier League through the courts for defamation, they have poisoned public opinion against the club to a level of vitriol I haven’t seen for any club for a long while.

  3. Honest question: Pep has been increasing in confidence when addressing the charges in press conferences. Presuming that the club have given him all the details regarding the case, do we take that as confidence in a result in the club’s favour or justification of the team’s achievements regardless of a punishment?

  4. Fucking love this guy. I don’t expect him to sign a new deal UNLESS we get found guilty and dragged down the leagues. You just know that would be a red rag to a bull with our marvellous mentalist manager so he can say fuck you to the FA/everyone

  5. It’s always easier to just blame someone of cheating than accepting the fact that you haven’t won the Premier League since 2004. Nobody knows anything, not even us, if we are guilty or not, but the level of sureness is mind boggling. I wonder if we get relegated and Arsenal still doesn’t win the League, what will be the excuse? You cannot pretend you are a big club when you never won the Champions League and your last PL won was in 2004.

  6. Wiped from the face of the earth, and then sent to wrestle polar bears. Only Bernardo Silva is properly trained in bears.

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