Destroyed Russian T-90M ‘Breakthrough’ somewhere at the front. Lollipop turret.

Destroyed Russian T-90M ‘Breakthrough’ somewhere at the front. Lollipop turret.

by bunsinh

  1. It’s always insane to me when I see these videos or pictures of those popped tank turrets. We are looking at, what, 10 tons of steel that’s just been tossed like a ragdoll and stuck into the ground. Just goes to show how much energy is stored in the rounds in a tank

  2. Once this shit war is over… u think Ukrainians will just leave this shit scattered as a friendly reminder for the years to come?

  3. Well I don’t know how far he tossed his turret but I will certainly give him 10 out of 10 for artistic impression. Well done, I’m clapping like a North Korean or a seal from Sea World.

  4. I have yet to see a modern western tank suffering a catastrophic failure through launchers and/or FPVs like this. It’s insane. The only one close to this is the turkish Leo 2A4 which was hit by an airstrike lol

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