Is this a scam?

Hi guys! I am looking for a WG and I have this option, but it sounds a little bit weird the way the landlord want to show me the place, what do you guys think?

by SinkableGem6739

  1. I think it’s a scam, but it’s a bit more sophisticated than usual. The “I am unavailable for the viewing/handover” trick is very old now. That said, the description of the house is accurate, and I have found [a Wiki]( with an article about the building which does indeed say that part of it is a privately-run student dorm called “Wohnhaus de saxe”. But it’s a Wiki, so not 100% reliable.

    But it’s basically a WG; so why couldn’t the landlord have asked one of the current residents to show you around on her behalf?

    Tell her you prefer to meet her in person, and ask when she’ll be back in Dresden so you can reschedule. See how she reacts to that.

  2. I am inclined to say it isn’t. If you Google her name, you’ll find articles about her and her partner buying the house dating back to 2015. Someone could have of course come across that and stole her identity. The language she uses is authentic half informal German. If you can get there without wasting much time an money, I’d give it a shot. Bring a second person and don’t pay any fees money in advance. 

  3. Do they want money before the viewing? It is weird, but if they don’t want money, the worst thing that could happen to you is standing there, and no one answers the phone.

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