Trump States his case on abortion.

Trump States his case on abortion.

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. he (and his voters) are so fucking dumb, he’s actually trying to sell the idea that “because States make the law, women don’t have to ‘think’ about it”

    what a fucking maroon, a ta ra ra boom dee ay, imbecaile

  2. This is a confusing mix of statements. It seems like Trump is trying to argue that states should control abortion rights, but the message is all over the place, especially with the random references to segregation and Jim Crow

  3. Maybe instead of setting it up to be decided state by state it should be from community to community, or city by city. Or by neighborhood by neighborhood. Or by woman by woman. Hmmm?

  4. To be fair, he’s not big on women ‘thinking’ in general. Next think you know, they get opinions, and that’s never good for swamp monsters like him. 

  5. This is the one policy thing he knows, so he says it over and over as if there’s no argument against leaving it up to states. He doesn’t understand the implications of the words coming out of his mouth, so he doesn’t understand how anyone could disagree. This is one of the dangers of having a complete moron running for president.

  6. Fyi: Montana, South Dakota, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Missouri, Florida, New York, and Maryland

    Abortion rights are on the ballots in your states this November. Don’t get complacent just because you live in a red/blue state and don’t think your vote for president matters. Your vote matters in so many more ways than just President

  7. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves at what is happening in the name of “state rights”

  8. Plus if you live in autocracy like Texas where old white men rule! This is not a voting right for its citizens!! How the fuck is this better for women

  9. Oh yeah! They always say the Civil War was a war about “states rights.” It was about slavery. Another human right that was “left to the states” to trample!

  10. Rights belong to every man / woman… Anyone trying to abridge them should be living without them

    Rights should not be subject to legislation, they’re either ABSOLUTE, or they’re Not Rights.

    So, hrs saying there aren’t any Rights here. Sit with that for a while

  11. Is that his latest flip-flop? Trump and plenty of leading Republicans are on record as now wanting Phase 2: a national ban on abortion, regardless of rape, incest, or health or life of the mother or fetus.

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