Leave Denmark alone, they are one of us

Leave Denmark alone, they are one of us

by Radiant_Ad_6192

  1. Considering we barely participated in selling transatlantic slaves while conversely being one of the prime victims of the barbary coast / saracen piate trade, does that mean we also get to claim monetary reparations?

  2. My wife always says “No matter how small you are, you just need to try!” This must be what she meant…

  3. I always like the fact we leave out the African nations, tribes and warlords who happily hunted their fellow Africans for enslavement and happily sold them to us

  4. I love how all the discussions around slavery are now only about the trans Atlantic so no mention to all the African and Asian nations slave trade.

    Anyway. SPAIN MENTIONED πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻


  6. Those peoples were already slaves to begin with though. Europeans, contrary to middle Eastern raids on Africa, only BOUGHT slaves that were already slaves. Africa, even before the whole trans Atlantic slave trade started, had around 30% of its own population enslaved, either to its own population, or sold to Arab traders (who mostly bought women slaves). After the trans Atlantic slave trade became a thing, European simply started buying men slaves and mostly bring them to the Americas to sell them to whoever needed them (some were brought back to Europe though).

    This graph is purposely deceptive as it’s trying quite hard to pretend that the only thing that matters in said slave trade are the intermediary buyers, and that the African slavers that enslaved their pairs and sold them to foreign traders, as well as the slavers that bought them at arrival and often worked them to death, are not an actually “active part in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade”. The BIG title is purposely left vague and only the way smaller sub title precises that it’s only looking at 1 out of 3 roles in the slaves trades, and arguably the less important role. This isn’t a coincidence.

    It’s especially blatant in the modern days considering how active some peoples have been to try to guilt trip the Europeans for the entire slave trade when in fact, Africans, Asians and Americans were absolutely just as involved if not way more, and that enslavement and slave trade were already a massive thing waaaay before the Europeans and Americans started to join that business.

  7. There is True story about a danish slave from st. Croix whose father was the slave-owner and brought him to denmark to be educated.

    Unfortunately once his father died his stepmother proclaimed him q slqve and wanted him transported back to st. Croix. He sued but lost the case but managed to escape to Iceland on board Γ‘ ship and later became Γ‘ wealthy man and married.

    His name was Hans JΓ³natan and he died 1827 he has n estimate 900 descendance in Iceland today.


  8. since the dutch are only 4th, i’m expecting one of them to activate their trap card: Per capita.

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