Janet Jackson ‘to take legal action’ against landlord over mould in £10m Chelsea flat

Janet Jackson ‘to take legal action’ against landlord over mould in £10m Chelsea flat

by tylerthe-theatre

  1. She got a album or tour or something coming up? 

     This is like the 4th story I’ve seen about her in the past few days.

  2. I find it hilarious how even Janet Jackson has to deal with London landlords not dealing with mould

  3. Nice that she can afford to take her landlord to court, the rest of us peasants just have to make do and suffer through landlords not giving a shit and getting away with it.

    It should be illegal to rent out a flat with mould in it and if mould develops during a tenancy there should be stricter laws regarding dealing with it.

  4. Who cares they can afford moving elsewhere! what about all poor families living in shit conditions…

  5. Is this mould the reason why she seems to have lost the plot over Kamala Harris’ ethnicity? Brain fungus.

  6. A good dehumidifier will change your life. Get the Meaco 8L Zambezi. Takes loads of water out of the air and generates a good amount of heat while doing so, which also helps with moisture. It will raise the temp of a room from cold to comfortable all while getting rid of moisture thereby eliminating mould. They are very energy efficient too. Made in the UK. I love ours so much. I empty it twice a day! So much water.

  7. A friend of mine just moved out of her flat below street level next to Mornington Crescent because of mould – she has respiratory issues and the landlord just painted over it, and of course it immediately returned. It was a tiny one-bedroom box, and every time a train came through it was like an earthquake. It cost £2.2k per month.

    Fuck London landlords.

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