Wasn’t expecting this on my walk

Wasn’t expecting this on my walk

by swords-r-cool

  1. As much as this is a nice sight it does kind of speak volumes to the dire state of wildlife in this country.

    To most of the world they would be “just deer”.

  2. Much as I love seeing deer they’re a lot less cute when they jump in front of your car seemingly from out of nowhere. There’s almost too many in some parts of the country and their only predator seems to be HGVs on A roads.

  3. These comments are pretty surprising, I’ve never seen wild deer before in the uk, people are acting like they’re as common as rabbits

  4. Roe deer…common as anything. In Beds, Bucks you have to watch for these buggers running around all the time on country roads

  5. Lmao. Yeah I fell off my seat when I saw some deer in the UK countryside. Posted it on the family groupchat and everything

  6. I don’t know what here is unexpected. The grass? The trees? The deer? The zoom? The road noise?

    All these things are very common in the UK.

  7. theres load of deer in the UK, not sure whats unexpected. If I was on that walk there would be a springer spaniel legging it after the deer lol

  8. Fair play to OP for not biting back at all the farmers in the sticks. Ooh how sheltered and naive I must be for also never seeing a deer at the quarter mile of common land in the middle of a 50 square mile commercial urban region.

  9. There will be a lot more deer seen this time of year as it’s now rutting season, so watch out for those stags they can attack people or vehicles if you get too close but it is very rare.

    A couple of decades ago we were driving down a road when a large stag came out of the forest onto the road so we had to stop, it seemed to be leaving going towards the forest again then turned and butted the side of the car, we drove out of there fast.

  10. We have deer wandering down our street very frequently, to the point where we had to put up a 6 foot fence round the back because they were eating my plants. It’s a common thing to step in deer poo the moment we step onto the path outside our garden.

  11. Wasn’t expecting to see this…. I totally expected a lion to come running after them then. But no, just dear. Understand OP being surprised to see deer, “Aww, look at that” kinda thing, but the title built up my hopes.

  12. Wow, wonderful to see these, I’ve seen a few over the years (fortunately seen more of them alive than those run over).

  13. Once one was in the woodland near where I used live. It jumped out right Infront of me while I was walking the dog and thought I was seeing things! I got home and somebody had posted asking if anybody had seen one around there

  14. I feel bad for op, but I see these so many times a day I don’t even notice.

    If it was a bear I’d understand.

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