UK public washing their clothes too often, says major laundry brand

UK public washing their clothes too often, says major laundry brand

by UuusernameWith4Us

  1. “UK public washing their clothes too often, says major laundry brand Ecover.
    A company that sells cleaning products is giving customers some surprising advice: wash your clothes less.”

    At which point they massively increase the price of their product……..

  2. In my experience we Brits are particularly bad for this when it comes to jeans.

    For a decent pair you should really be machine washing them monthly, at most. If you’re a sweaty bastard like me then freeze them once a week (I know it sounds odd but it works).

    Brits wash their jeans three times a week and then wonder why they fall to pieces with a year or two – mad!

  3. Idk about anyone else but I wash my clothes as they need cleaning. This does mean that tops and underwear get only one use but I feel as though that’s typical? Jeans, jumper etc. can be worn multiples times without issue.

    I don’t really know who deviates from that pattern but then I also don’t go around asking people how often they wash their clothes. Feels a bit much that

  4. Can someone point me to some science that says washing stuff less often is preferable? Surely we wash our clothes when they are used or dirty. I’m not going to chance 3 day old undies or a white shirt the whole week, that’s just madness

  5. I love seeing this and then on Reddit it’s “how do I bring up my colleagues bad odour” it’s too late for climate change, we as a species are the past the point of no return, washing clothes less ain’t gonna do a thing.

  6. You can hang stuff outside to freshen it up, or steam it (handheld steamers are great), but anything with lycra/stretch will probably need to see water after a couple of wears to stop it from going baggy, even if it’s not dirty.

  7. I only wear my underwear once, and sometimes change it twice a day. My medication makes me sweat a bit more than I’d usually do, plus some women do generally just have to wear a clean pair daily/twice daily! Leggings and pj bottoms usually go 3-4 days, tops 3 days, bras 2-3 days but those are only worn when I leave the house lol. I can’t wear a pair of socks twice, it feels too icky. Sometimes a top will be extended beyond 3 days to be used as a pj top too!

  8. Washing ourselves to often and now our clothes? Sounds like we are being lied to just intime for water shortages

  9. Socks and undies, one wear. T-shirt goes two wears because after two days it will be smelly. Jeans, shorts, jumpers and hoodie will last until they are dirty. 

  10. Why are people in these comments getting so offended by this? If a company that sells laundry products comes out and says that we’re using their product too often, I’m inclined to believe them. In any case, if you think you wash your clothes the right amount, that’s totally fine, no? Just ignore this story.

  11. Hearing people change clothes every day and shower every day is just strange to me. I change my jeans like once every 1-2 months, shirt every 3-4 days, my boxers every 3-4 days, socks every 1-2 days, I do washing once a month, lol. I dunno why the fuck people are wasting so much time and effort constantly having to wash shit and clean themselves, there’s literally no point, especially if you haven’t done anything that warrants requiring to shower, if you go into a mud bath, sure you maybe want to shower after this, but if not, why shower until you start to really fucking stink. Granted I work from home, the only time I’ll ever shower is once a week if I have to go into the office, if I don’t need to go in 1 week, I’ve legit gone 2 weeks without showering before, who the fuck cares.

  12. ahh, typical ‘blame the consumer’ and not the corporations that are contributing to 70% of greenhouse gas emissions.

    to be honest i don’t really care what ‘major laundry brands’ say, i am not wearing underwear for more than a day.

    summer clothes, especially since the UK is now approaching 40c summers (this year aside) will also be washed after one day.

    we should not encourage people to be smelling bad and having bad hygiene for the sake of the planet. nose blindness is a very real thing.

  13. T-shirts: five days before wash

    Trousers: twenty days before wash

    Jeans: thirty days before wash

    Underwear: twelve days before wash

    Socks: seven days before wash

    Jumpers: three days before wash

    Glad to help.

  14. Ex girlfriend used to have washer and a dryer running 24/7, in 3 years went through 5 washers and 2 dryers, only had one kid, wondered why her lecy bill was through the roof

  15. Wash when something is dirty visually or smells. I hate that people just wear once and think its ok and normal to wash it.

  16. Underwear X1

    T shirts x 1

    Work shirts x 1

    Jumper x I go by smell. I usually wear a t-shirt under my jumpers so the t-shirts, will be washed after 1 wear .

    Jeans and trousers again ,I go via smell. If they smell fresh then they are good to go.

    If I travel on public transport then everything is a 1 x wear including trousers and jumpers.

    Visit a hospital or healthcare centre 1 x wear .

  17. I’m going to wash my clothes when I need to wash them.

    If it’s damaging the environment then competitive products need to be produced that reduce that impact.

  18. Try using the biodegradable chemicals that don’t shatter whatever environment they end up in, y’know, the ones we’ve known about for centuries? Instead of blaming the public for being fucking clean.

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