Donald Trump says he won’t run for president in 2028 if he loses election

Donald Trump says he won’t run for president in 2028 if he loses election

Posted by TheTelegraph

  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Donald Trump has ruled out running for the White House in 2028 if he loses the election in November. 

    Asked whether he would run again if he loses on Nov 5, the Republican nominee told US outlet Full Measure: “No, I don’t. I think that that will be, that will be it. I don’t see that at all.”

    It comes as a recent NBC News poll put his Democratic opponent [Kamala Harris]( as five points ahead of [Trump]( 

    The poll found Ms Harris had 49 per cent of the vote among registered voters, compared to 44 per cent for Trump. 

    It is a significant shift from the outlet’s July poll which put [Trump]( as two points ahead of the then Democratic nominee Joe Biden. 

    Trump previously came under fire for telling a Christian summit they would never need to vote again if he returns to the White House next year. 

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. If anyone believes anything – but specially about the election result – coming out Trump’s mouth, I got some oceanfront property you can buy real cheap in Kansas. But then if he loses this election, there is a decent chance he will be sitting in a 10×20 cell in some state or federal prison come 2028.

  3. Ha ha. He said in 2020 that we’d “never see him again” if he lost in 2020 …which he himself finally admitted to recently … and that was a lie. So is this.

  4. If he looses, he ends up in prison or somewhere where he can’t be extradited to the US.
    So in that sense he’s right, but let’s say he flees out the country, he will be yelling and screaming for an insurrection so that he can return.

    I don’t give two shits as long as the people vote him and MAGA crowd to hell.

  5. I’d figure if he doesn’t win he’s headed somewhere with no extradition treaties. At this point the only way he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in courtrooms is if he runs away.

  6. all he’ll will break loose if the Democrats win..we can only pray and hope they don’t but the evil powers of Russia and China will do their best

  7. The Longer the GOP holds on to MAGA the more likely the Republican Party will divide and split apart. They were fools running him a third time. If a 4th? Who knows what will happen

  8. He’ll probably be in a mental asylum. The minute his brood can figure out how to get him declared incompetent he is toast. Goblins gonna goblin after all.

  9. What’s good for the Dems, if Harris wins, is that Trump will absolutely not bow out and most likely ‘poison the well’ for the gop in 2028.

  10. Who cares about what he says? He has troubles remembering what he said himself. Even he doesn’t care what he said in the past.

    When asked during an interview to justify a prior position, he quite literally said he could have said that or not, and doesn’t remember why.

    If HE doesn’t care, why should WE?

  11. Everyone saying he’s lying doesn’t know Trump for real. He’ll arrogantly boast how he actually won the elections, so he won’t be *lying* in 2028.

    /s because trump knows he lost and he’s lying because… he’s Trump.

  12. Can someone who knows more about civics than me answer this question: **Can Trump run for house, senate, or governor in Florida if he loses the presidential election in November?** Is there any precedent of this?

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