Russia’s foreign ministry claims USSR invaded Poland “to protect the population,” Germany and Ukraine point to Soviet deal with Nazis

Russia’s foreign ministry claims USSR invaded Poland “to protect the population,” Germany and Ukraine point to Soviet deal with Nazis

Posted by polymute

  1. Didn’t Putin ban about teaching the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact a few years back? Why basically copy the side the invaded the Sudetenland for “ethnic Germans”?

  2. He should have been honest about the real reasoning. It’s logical. Poland was going to cease to exist as a state. Why allow the Nazis on the border of the Soviet Union, even if there was a non-aggression pact? Pragmatically, it would make sense to take the territory for themselves. In hindsight, it probably made the difference between Moscow falling or remaining secure in 1941. The start point saved the Soviets at least a few days, if not more.

  3. Are we that far in the future? When it is not a common knowledge that Molotov and Ribbentrop signed a deal that divided Europe into sphere of influence?

    And the fact that it wasn’t German invasion to Poland, it was partition of Poland by Germany and USSR?

    And a question that usually looks cool in theory but almost always lame in practice. Was it beneficial for Poland to have one more invasion? One more wave of battles, one more wave of cities being destroyed?

  4. What really pisses me off about people in the West defending this shit is that they collectively ignore eastern european voices. Ask any pole how he feels about this. Ask him about Katyn, the hundreds of thousands of poles deported into the Gulag, industrial theft on an apocalyptic level, ask him about how the Soviets stood on the Vistula and just watched as the Germans destroyed the polish capital, and especially ask how they feel about more than 40 years under Moscows boot, strangled economically and as a nation.

    And not to mention the Russians used to acknowledge this shit. Gorbachev even apologized for some of it. But in recent years Russia evolved backwards and now we are basically around 1950, pre de-stalinization. Where Russia never ever attacked or colonized anyone and never did anything wrong.


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