Maxar collected new high-resolution satellite imagery yesterday (September 21st) that reveals the aftermath of a dramatic launch failure of a Russian RS-28 ICBM at a launch site in the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Launch site before vs after-George Barros

Maxar collected new high-resolution satellite imagery yesterday (September 21st) that reveals the aftermath of a dramatic launch failure of a Russian RS-28 ICBM at a launch site in the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Launch site before vs after-George Barros

by Qubecoiseman

  1. “A large crater (approximately 62 meters wide) is visible at the launch silo and extensive damage in and around the launch pad can be seen which suggests that the missile exploded shortly after ignition or launch. ”

    “Additionally, small fires continue to burn in the forest to the east of the launch complex and four fire trucks can be seen near the destroyed silo.”


    Source: [](


  2. I wonder how many died? Three pylons just gone, one knocked over and that building took a beating too

    Good riddance

  3. They wanted to have a show of strength to make threats with…they didn’t get what they wanted.

  4. Another “smoking RU”…? Or UA “drone debri”……LOL Lit the FUSE to fast…? Door “jam’d”. …? “Drunks” w Nukes..? OMG

  5. Lol i was zooming in on the first 2 pics cause i couldnt see it good…
    Glad to see their so called big red line last resort thingie isnt quite working as good as feared. šŸ˜‚

  6. Serious question: Over the entire course of Russian history, what exactly has Russia itself produced that’s of real significance on a global scale?

    Some Russian authors wrote some reasonably good books and plays, a few Russian composers created some decent tunes, and a tiny number of Russians who were artists in other fields did interesting things. But that was all in the wider European tradition rather than the product of deeply rooted, inherently *Russian* culture; one could say they were aping European culture (maybe even appropriating it, as some say these days). As far as science and technology goes, it seems that just about everything significant created in the Russian and then Soviet empires was the product of those who weren’t actually ethnic Russians.

    Russia itself seems to have only one real talent: there’s something about the Russian psyche and culture which makes it very good at parasitising other societies.

  7. ā€œFull self-nukingā€ is probably not a great feature. Easier to just bring everyone home and spend your time making up a story to frame it as a victory.

  8. ruski mod: we gonna sent strategic missile specialists to do meat assaults in Ukraine.

    rs-28: oh šŸ’©

  9. I saw a video of a previous test of this missile, they have an initial solid rocket booster to get it out of the silo launch tube, then this solid fuel “puck” gets discarded to the side, revealing the liquid fuel first stage engine, which ignites and that propels it up and away.

    If the first stage liquid fueled engine failed to light, or it lit and then went out, the missile would fall straight back into it’s launch tube, and it’s fuel would explode.

    I wonder if that’s what happened here.

    Liquid fuel engines are more prone to these ignition failures, solid motors don’t have this problem. Once solids are lit, that thing ain’t stopping till it’s burned out.

  10. So how many staff would have to be present to perform a test like this? What kind of losses are we talking about. That looks like a substantial facility that could house a lot of people. Anyone know how many scientists would have been at the site? This could be a great loss of scientific knowledge. Slava Ukraine.

  11. This is what happens when the people in charge of your nuclear arms industry embezzles all the money to buy yachts in Italy.

  12. It is still insane how today an average joe/civilian can(if they got money, time and data processing) get information that just a couple of decades ago only the top tier goverments in america/the ussr etc had accces to

    Hell 70 years ago goverment sdid not have that capacity at all.

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