An unlucky russian gets a visit from a fpv drone that doesn’t explode, in panic he tries to guard himself against it with a brick, but is targeted by a second drone at the same time. Video by the 56th Motorized Brigade

An unlucky russian gets a visit from a fpv drone that doesn’t explode, in panic he tries to guard himself against it with a brick, but is targeted by a second drone at the same time. Video by the 56th Motorized Brigade

by Smart-Bonus-6589

  1. I’ll just disarm this high explosive leaning against my shins with this small stick 😀 surely nothing catastrophic will happen

  2. But hey, at least you successfully denazified grandma Maria’s house and her entire village, right?

  3. Man made horrors beyond comprehension.

    In another universe, he could have been home with his family. But not in this one.

    In this one, we have Putin.

  4. Whatever life choices led this guy to be in this situation… whatever his context… his face just makes me sad. Fuck war. Go home Russians.

  5. Seeing that soldier’s (son, brother, father?) face in panic and really this sub as a whole has the lyrics of Green Fields of France in my head…

    Ah young Willie McBride, I can’t help wonder why
    Do those that lie here know why did they die?
    And did they believe when they answered the cause
    Did they really believe that this war would end wars?
    Well the sorrow, the suffering, the glory, the pain
    The killing and dying, were all done in vain
    For young Willie McBride, it all happened again
    And again, and again, and again, and again

    There’s another Russian language song called Zhuravli that became patriotic and solem in the soviet union that also relates.

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