“Democrats really need to tone down their rhetoric”

“Democrats really need to tone down their rhetoric”

Posted by Pessimist2020

  1. The 2024 statement is so rich coming from the guy who mocks The attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband and incites political violence!!

  2. It’s the simple fact that the press ignores this shit, and then has the nerve to report his and Vances’ tone down the rhetoric bullshit. It’s infuriating.

  3. Let’s not forget constantly saying his political opponents should be charged with treason and fantasizing about when we executed traitors.

  4. If the Dems tone down any part of their rhetoric, they deserve to lose. Period. Of course, then we’re all fucked but they would still deserve to lose.

  5. He also called for the execution of the Central Park 5 in 2014, years after their exoneration.

  6. You left out him saying he could shoot someone on 5th ave in NY and not lose votes? WTF? He actually threatened gun violence and you leave it out?

  7. I really hope no one will assassinate Trump. If they do then he can’t get beaten up by fellow inmates

  8. What’s up with the quote marks? They imply he was just kidding about those statements when we all know he wasn’t.

  9. “I never thought the leopards would eat my face,” sobbed the leader of the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

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