Brandenburg election results for blue-collar workers

Brandenburg election results for blue-collar workers

by Successful_Wafer3099

  1. plus that fcking russian puppet BSW got 12%… almost 60% of working class folks voted these walking corpses

  2. Yeah those people don’t follow politics so they are an easy target for right wing populists. Since those populists just have to talk the talk.

  3. Yeah. I don’t know if I’m blue collar but I am bus driver and it’s kinda pity that I’ve made my driver licence in 3 months and have same qualifications as people who needed to spend 3 years in company on Eastern European level of income driving a bus to be a bus driver. And it’s like the same in many professions.

  4. I absolutely support refugees causing havoc in Germany. Why?

    Remember Nazism? When they thought that Jews were problematic? People who turned Israel, an empty desert in 1947, into a powerful state? People who created Viber?

    When they start respecting Serbs and Bosnians, instead of circlejerking towards those havoc causers, we will support them as well.

  5. Working class voting for the AfD is pure madness. The AfD would absolutely screw them over once they get into power by destroying the welfare state to fund tax cuts for their billionaire donors. Just look at their tax proposal.

  6. Redditors thinking they are way smarter than the average population is such a weird phenomenon.

  7. I’m just enjoying meltdown. It was like that time Trump won election.

    People it’s not end of the world.

  8. What I don’t get is why voters for parties like the AfD and the BSW don’t just move to the country that’s funding these parties. If it’s so much better their way, then surely this would be the smart thing to do.

  9. For the few people defending the AfD.

    They are the literal nazis. Their leader even does the heil at their rallies. The moment Germany gets another round at fascism is the moment Europe is at war again and this time the stakes are mutually assured destruction. Nobody wins is AfD wins.

  10. Until SPD and CDU realize they have to at least pretend they aren’t the same thing, this trend will continue.

    And that applies to every single country in Europe.

  11. The integration of East-Germany into Germany during the last 30 years has failed. What would the AFD do to people who failed to integrate and even openly support extremists?

  12. Fuck me.

    I blame the old parties for this because they didn’t put enough funds into public education.

    If people understood better what the fuck consequences are and how to learn from history to avoid past mistakes then the afd would not be here.

    This is a testimony to the mental degradation of a large part of a country.

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