Amazing footage showing Israel Air Force striking a Hezbollah DR-3 Cruise Missile Hidden Inside a civilian home

Amazing footage showing Israel Air Force striking a Hezbollah DR-3 Cruise Missile Hidden Inside a civilian home

by yslalpha

  1. Is it really a civilian home if somebody stores Cruise Missiles in there? Asking from a legal perspective.

  2. “DR-3 cruise missile” ? They show soviet made TU-143 recon uav.
    Even if it was converted to suicide drone, it can’t carry 300kg warhead – practically you can replace payload with up to 100kg warhead, everyrhing further will require rebalancing frame.
    Not even mentioning that it needs specific launcher.

  3. Seems like an absolute ton of work for a 1 off missile site. Not saying I don’t believe them because it’s obvious these terrorists have zero brains. Just seems wild lol

  4. the guy was no terrorist, he was called Usman, the building was actually the DR-3 Cruise missile orphanage. He would take in abandoned cruise missiles to give them a second chance at life. Breaks my heart.

  5. There is zero doubt in my mind this sub like many on social media is full of Zionist workers and bots posting, commenting and updating this shit

  6. “What about paying for working sewers or fighting corruption?

    – Nah, Ali. Let’s just invest everything into sending rockets to our neighbours.”

  7. They obviously had good intelligence to know it was there and had realtime surveillance until go time. Someone’s talking on the Hezbollah side

  8. Honestly doesn’t make sense to me that they’d launch of cruise missle from a house horizontally. Really wish this wasn’t in Flir.

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