Another russian surrendered via a drone

Another russian surrendered via a drone

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. While he is begging for his life, wowa counts his billions and takes an another load of Botox to his cheeks. How can he look into a mirror? I hope so that one day russians play basketball with Putins Head on the red square.

  2. Guy looks malnutritioned and miserable as fuck. Wise decision to surrender, though it would have been wiser to not participate in this war of aggression at all. Anyways, another one for the exchange fund.

  3. He made the right call surrendering to Ukraine, which values life and treats prisoners ethically.

  4. The world needs to see the mercy of the Ukrainian people.
    They hold themselves to a standard of great integrity in face of an enemy that does not.

    If ever there was a case to join NATO then this is it!

  5. That this insanity is happening like one full gas tank from me right this moment has to be the biggest insanity and feels unthinkable. Fuck you, Putin, the world hopes you did a horrible death.

  6. Humanity at its best. He owes the drone operator his life. Cannot imagine ruzzians investing that amount of time to accept a surrender.

  7. This guy looks like he may be a Syrian mercenary or at best from some far flung Ruski colony; I highly doubt this guy is a Russian, bamboozled into thinking he was going to build trenches in the rear.

  8. Important thing to mention is he surrendered to a spotter/dropper drone, not a fpv one. I always see people claiming its a war crime to blow up a soldier who begs not to be blown up by an fpv one but those are one way only, basically slower flying missiles. They cant lead you back to ukrainian positions and if they dont hit the soldier he would be free to go back to russian positions without actually surrendering.

  9. Just shows how different Ukraine is at treating their P.O.W’S compared to Russia. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

  10. Damn, we need more movie/ docuseries about Ukraine/ russian POW. This is a great footage/story to tell to the whole world.

  11. Wow, that was fascinating. Slava Ukraini. When it would have been easier to kill him. That is one lucky orc

  12. Begging for life after you’ve down exactly that to the Ukrainians directly or indirectly… What a bitch

  13. He’d had enough. Good on him and full respect to the Ukrainians. It’s a life they can swap for one of their own. slava ukraini!

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