Transport for London income from fines on major routes rises 57%

Transport for London income from fines on major routes rises 57%

by YesNoYesNoYesMaybeNo

  1. Why not get angry at the standard of driving dropping so much that TfL’s fines go up 57% in just 5 years time?

    What a weird article – getting angry at TfL for putting in more cameras that are catching drivers in bus lanes, stopped in yellow box junctions, making illegal turns and parking on red routes. All very avoidable.

  2. Good. Driving is a privilege, not a right. If you can’t abide by the rules that are set out to ensure the safety of yourself and others, you need to be financially incentivised to fix your behaviour.

  3. The increase in fine is uhhh 20% i think, less than 57%, so the other 37% is presumably increase in the amount of fines which means people are breaking the rules more which sucks , or tfl are better at enforcing which sucks less. In conclusion this is not a useful metric unless tfl gives actual data here

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