Met to “reset” stop and search tactics to rebuild trust with London’s black community

Met to “reset” stop and search tactics to rebuild trust with London’s black community

by tylerthe-theatre

  1. Seems like a bad idea to me.

    I know it’s politically a popular move but with the amount of kids and teens in London carrying knives, etc, it seems like it could be a bad idea.

  2. Stop and search works. That’s the fact.

    What’s missing is demographic crime statistics for each force area.

    If the majority of street crime and knife crime is committed by young white men in a forces area, that is who they need to be targeting.

    If it’s young black men then that’s who must be targeted.

    It will vary by force.

    Publishing those stats will leave nowhere to hide. Either a demographic is targeted because it needs to be or it’s being targeted due to racism. The data will make that clear to all.

  3. To honest seeing how small some police officers are now days probably unsafe for them to do it lol

  4. Stop and Search everyone, whenever there is a need.

    If white people did the most crime I’d say search them more, if black people feel hurt their community commits lots of crime, then they should stop it as a community rather than encourage it.

  5. I feel like we’ve been here before. People will be complaining about an increasing rate of knife crime next and demanding the police do more.

  6. It’s time to celebrate knife culture Attempts to stop it is racist and it’s about to time stop and search was ended.

  7. Everyone is saying it’s racist to see there could be a connection with that data that shows there is a problem with knife crime in the black community and stop and search is racist.

    But knife crime in black communities disproportionately affects the black communities. If someone gets stabbed they are usually black too. So can’t you make the case that ignoring the problem, and letting more young black men get stabbed to death is also racist?

  8. This thread is depressing. You will learn nothing here.

    Statistical literacy is dead. Long term thinking is dead. Reading comprehension is dead, especially given most of the commenters have clearly not read a word of the article or the statement it’s based on. Understanding of policing was never there to begin with. If a thread has “black” in the title, it’s not worth your time in the comments if it’s r/unitedkingdom

  9. Ahh we’re in this stage of the neverending cycle.

    Next up, whining about increasing crime rates and a higher body count, plus cries of “something must be done”.

    Followed by stop and search again.

    Followed by whining by self appointed spokesmen.

    Return to the first step.

    The only thing that changes are the faces and the body count.

  10. So they will stop doing something which has been shown to save lives in the black community to rebuild trust with the black community? Interesting plan.

  11. I used to work in Elephant and Castle, from 2008 – 2011 and during that time I got stopped and searched somewhere in the region of 200 times. It go to a point where I knew the beat officers by name I would just stop open my bag and answer the questions.

    I worked between a homeless shelter and a drug rehab centre which ment I regularly got caught up in the sweeps they were performing.

    I fit a demographic as I’m a six foot two with a shaved head (not a skin head though) so they can check that off the list.

  12. Every person entering the Houses of Parliament need to be stopped and searched, every single time. The amount of drug use is also fueling violent crimes in the streets of London (indirectly but still).

  13. He can do what he likes. I’m still not doing it, as soon as we do, the complaints come in, and they throw us under the bus, mark rowley says the right things occasionally but never stands by them he’s a spineless weasel who will throw every copper in the country under a bus if it means he can stay for another day.

  14. Does anyone complain that men get searched way way more? Doubt it. Or should we now also change everything to gain men’s trust in the police again? I also doubt it. Everyone knows that stats show that men carry knives more often than women. And it totally makes sense to spend little resources the police has to search ones who statistically have higher chances to cause trouble.

    So if we agree with one thing being disproportionately affected due to stats, why can’t we agree that something else can be affected by it too? Of course we should address the root cause of the problem for it not to develop further, but we also need to stop what’s going on now. Which means “better world” for future generations but also stopping whoever’s stirring shit up now. If you only do one and not the other – it’ll fail. I.e. if you just find and jail every criminal that exists now you’ll only postpone more criminals turning up in the future and vice versa.

  15. The community that wants the police to stop doing something that stops their young men killing each other. Ridiculous.

  16. If our society cares more about not looking racist than it does about protecting black people from becoming victims of knife crime then there’s something very wrong with it. Haven’t heard much about the young black mum killed this summer by men she didn’t even know. The system seems to care more about men’s feelings than people’s safety.

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