I made of map showing the tides of Europe, hope you like it!

I made of map showing the tides of Europe, hope you like it!


by mydriase

  1. Well done it is a nice chart and well laid out. You are indicating CO-TIDAL lines. May I suggest you also consider amphidromic points or locations and their affect on the overall picture. Tidal tables which are readily available on line will provide detailed tide information so maybe your chart would be most useful showing tidal range in relation to moon phase for example.

  2. Keep researching.. It’s a great idea. I think perhaps you need to decide what exactly yiu want to display. For example is this for people who like to walk on beaches and not get swept away or for those who want to explore the very lowest tides for hidden ricks and creatures….. Keep going.

  3. Not realy true about the Baltic Sea/Area around Denmark.
    Frick the English word for tide is from Old Danish. Its even called “tidevand” (tidewater) to this day.

  4. Interesting, theUK, Ireland and France could set up some very productive tidal barriers producing a lot of electricity.

  5. Really cool! Not super familiar with the different datums, but curious as to how these values stands against the European Vertical Reference System.

  6. Does anyone know, why the tides get stronger near the coast? Or was there just no data for outside in the sea?

  7. Very cool. I’ve allways thought that each body of water that was connected to open seas and oceans had the same tides. So i asume it has something to do with the narrow gaps that the water has to flow through?

  8. Very nice map, and aesthetically pleasing. I love it.

    One of my earliest childhood memories is collecting clams or whatever they’re called in the north of france. I remember just walking unto the tidal flat thinking how crazy it was.

  9. Very cool map! Is it possible to get a code to reproduce it for practice purposes? (Github repo or something?) I’m very interested in how you made the map! Thank you very much!

  10. I live in Marseille, I didn’t know that we had a 30cm tide.

    I will take that into account when deciding at which spot to put my beach towel, I wouldn’t want its edges to get damp.

  11. Hydrodam across the English Channel would produce shitloads of energy.

    Yeah, shipping, I know, being hypothetical…

  12. Very interesting! I had no idea that the Baltic had no tide, or that there was a big difference between east and west coast UK.

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