IDF airstrike in southern Lebanon

IDF airstrike in southern Lebanon

by 7evensamurai

  1. 1. How did they know where and when to film?

    2. That is dangerously close, fragmentation can really mess you up at this distance

    3. Enjoy your tinnitus.

  2. I really like Lebanon so this is depressing.

    Hezbollah, you’re not going to save Hamas. You’re getting Lebanon destroyed for zero upside here.

  3. Judging the distance between the previous smoke plume and that blast I’d say his building is next up so why is my guy filming 😅

  4. That peager scam the mossad threw is a gift that keeps on giving. Not only do you know WHO got hit you also know WHERE they got hit.

  5. Its funny how they always know where to point their camera. As if they know where bombs will drop. Huh, must be coincidence. No way civilians know where munitions are stored – right?

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