Ohio, where hope comes to die

Ohio, where hope comes to die

Posted by rhino910

  1. Ohio doesn’t even have legal weed. You guys are still going to jail for a dime bag of some shitty ass weed grown by amateurs

  2. Ohio: we set our rivers on fire then elect politicians who want to get rid of the regulations that say setting rivers on fire is bad.

  3. On top of these two total embarrassments Republicans are running Bernie Moreno who is clearly flashing the white power sign in one of Sherrod Brown’s attack ads. Rs only run the most morally and ethically bankrupt they can find.

  4. Ohio. We have more Astronauts than any other state. Something about us makes people want to leave the planet!

  5. Ok, but what if I’m entering Ohio from one side with the intention of leaving it on the other side? Do I still have to ask myself about my life choices?

  6. I moved here 6 years ago and I keep telling my friends that it’s actually a beautiful place to live…. and then Vance opens up his mouth and makes me look like an idiot.

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