Rachel Reeves announces free breakfast for primary schools starting next year

Rachel Reeves announces free breakfast for primary schools starting next year


by No_Breadfruit_4901

  1. Finally something that is a real positive change that will see a serious impact for millions in the UK.

  2. No child should be in hunger. Especially not at school.

    A positive change, let’s hope they can keep the momentum going.

  3. Even though I don’t have kids and have no plans to, it makes me really really happy to know that this is what my taxes are going towards.

    Fantastic news.

  4. Labour funds something incredibly helpful and popular.

    Media immediately:  bUt iS da food eVeN heAlThY??? – what a bunch of losers

  5. What a genuinely important and impactful policy decision.

    Of course, the BBC will instead be running a highly scathing Laura Kuenssberg article about how Starmer ties his shoe laces wrong and that means the country is doomed.

  6. Good news the thought of hungry kids in schools is awful.

    We have this at our Scottish school although I don’t think it is nation wide.

    It does put private providers of before school care for working parents out of business. Ours stopped offering it so we have to use the schools although our kids mostly have (1st) breakfast at home and then have a yogurt at the breakfast club.

  7. Every study done on this shows that it’s one of the cheapest ways to improve outcomes for children. A child that’s hungry is a child that won’t be learning as well in school.

    Invest more in the future generations and you get more back maybe I’m just getting soft as I’m getting older (only 30 without kids) but I feel like children should be the main focus of any society.

  8. I can already see the news flashes after finding out these ‘free breakfasts’ being laced with something or them charging kids tax on it 🤣

  9. Wait, it wasn’t free?

    When I was in primary school “breakfast club” was like 50p and that got you a cup of tea, cereal or fry up like breakfast, and some toast, along with a little fruit.

    And in my secondary, it was all free, unlimited tea, toast, cereals. Made full use of it, there was no limit, so I got 4 slices of toast with marmite, and probably 3 cups of tea basically every morning.

  10. This is awesome! I have a 3 year old who will be starting school next year. He has breakfast everyday and it does not put us under any pressure. We may still use this. We are rubbish at getting him to eat anything other than cereal, jam on toast or occasionally eggs for breakfast. If there is a more balanced meal at school that will be great. Ultimately though we will be grand at home, might save some time in the morning though.

    For people struggling this amazing news. One of our closest friends is an only mother, her daughter is my son’s best mate. Free breako for her daughter will be so helpful for her!! Well done politicians! Lets keep this up!

  11. Many schools have paid for breakfast clubs already.

    I think it’s great that kids don’t go hungry. I also think it’s terrible that we have to address this.

    My daughter is in year 5 so will catch the tail end of this. Being in London we get free school lunches.

    I think removing stigma and making sure all kids have an equal chance is a very good thing.

  12. No kids should go hungry! This is positive news and will have a great impact to millions of people

  13. Don’t like Reeves. But credit where credit is due this is a fantastic policy. More of this please.

  14. Good idea. Breakfast is an important meal that a lot of kids skip due to their parents ever busier lives.

  15. I’ve never understood why schools don’t feed children properly in this country. What could possibly be more worthwhile, and a safer investment, than ensuring the health of our children? Isn’t this just an easy and inexpensive win in a landscape of intractable and gigantic problems? I worked in Japanese schools for many years and they have professional nutritionists designing menus for every school and provide high quality fresh-cooked meals to every student every day. Not coincidentally, Japanese kids rank number one in the world for physical health. This is a step in the right direction for sure, but I hope we see a dramatic in the (currently shockingly shite) standards of food in British schools.

  16. This is actually a very good decision. It’s really sad to say but if you don’t know people in education or child social services you don’t really realize the extent to which many many kids are being neglected in terms of proper/enough food at home

    We often think about obesity rates but there’s still small kids that come into schools and just thinking about it makes me cry that they don’t have regular meals apart from what’s guaranteed at school

  17. Fantastic and kind of thing that if you designed a society from the ground up would seem insane not to do. Feeding kids should be right at the top of the list and this will have such a massive benefit to society.

    Don’t care if there’s a financial black hole, don’t care if wealthy pensioners are paying for this – this is more important than anything else on the agenda.

  18. Children need food to live and learn.

    People deserve food for existing. No one needs to earn food

  19. Rachel thieves actually doing something useful?

    Will these breakfasts be cheap, processed crap or actual food?

  20. Does anyone know have they commented how this will work with regard to staffing?

    Our daughter is on a waiting list for a paid breakfast club at her school, as we learned that whilst these are a thing that enables the 2 working parent family model that’s now basically required for financial subsistence, there isn’t enough early morning staff to accommodate all the children so if you don’t get in, you’re kind of stuffed.

    As it stands we can’t drop her any earlier than 8:45 which makes 9am work starts really tricky.

    Would love it if this means budget for ensuring staff capacity to make this available to everyone!

  21. Let’s hope it is quality food and not some outsourced shit from their pals.

    Will the councils pay for this?

  22. More importantly, this lets parents drop their children off at 8am and get a whole days work done.

    Many schools today won’t let you drop your child off before 08:50 or so, meaning you then can’t get to a 9am job.

  23. Although this is a good thing, the sort of thing we should expect from a Labour government, it leaves me with one big question. What happened to the £20 billion black hole in the finances? I doubt the pensioners losing their WFA filled it.

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