Trump is Getting Crazier and Wilder, So Why is the Race Still So Close?

Trump is Getting Crazier and Wilder, So Why is the Race Still So Close?

Trump Is Getting Crazier And Wilder, So Why Is The Race Still So Close?

Posted by inewser

  1. He, along with a coordinated psychological operation by extremists at home and abroad have done their level best to normalize theocratic ethnonationalism among their voter base, just a bit of a goof casually fascising the GOP ya know a funny prank.

    Fascists do not think what this dude says is crazy, because he doesn’t come up with the ideas. He just repeats what he sees them say on Truth or Newsmax or whatever glowing rectangle he’s dissociating into at any given moment.

  2. It probably isn’t as close as polls say. But I am cool with it showing it being this close. Means people will get out and VOTE!

  3. His supporters are in too deep. They’d have to admit how stupid they really are to have ever supported him


    Michael Cohen confessed that republicans bribe pollsters. Specifically, they know reliable responders who lean conservative, then they fold those answers into the “random” sample. 

    The rich media owners know a close race brings views and clicks. They also know reporting on  Democrats actually governing is boring, but trumplethinskin’s insanity draws attention. 

    Keeping the public’s attention on stupid rants and insane clown antics means the people are less likely to notice how terrible republican policies really are. Republicans want to take away healthcare? Boring, but real. Donnie the clown says he wants to buy Greenland? Haha look at that nonsense!

  5. Don’t listen to the vocal minority. Take it seriously. Vote. But expect a landslide in Harris’s favor.

  6. Cause there are still cultists in love him and they will all vote. It’s close because a chunk of the sane majority opposed to Trump are still playing. Ivan🇷🇺 says, “Be mad and stay home” cause of Gaza prices, climate blah blah blah

    Fortunately, Harris creamed the convict in the debate and has the energy personality to move undecided voters. This includes pulling moderate and even some conseratives from Trump and pulling progressives from imported 🇷🇺🇨🇳🇮🇷 nihilism

  7. Why is this race so close? Because there is still a portion of the population either (both?) A) lives in an echo chamber and only hears what they want to hear, or B) LIKES what he has to say. They WANT people who don’t look and act and think like them to be punished and hurt.

    I truly don’t know which is more terrifying and saddening

  8. It’s close because of the racism and other bigotry. Republicans have no ideas. Republicans have nothing but hatred.

  9. Don’t believe the polling because of the small sample size. The only thing that matters is getting out and voting. Make certain you are getting to the polls. Get your friends and family out the polls. Vote Harris and Walz!

  10. Because propaganda works.

    Turn on the Rightwing talk radio and listen to it for awhile. Now imagine that’s your primary news source.

  11. Because there was lots of money to be made off his dumbass mouth. That’s it.

    Everything he does is unprecedented so when it’s printed everyone wants to read it. Because of this the media has a fiduciary reason to make it seem like it’s close.

    You’re welcome.

  12. Blind obedience from Republicans, while some Democrats still hate the idea of Kamala for president, ignoring the fact that Trump is a MUUUCH bigger problem.

  13. Because some people are voting against black peoples and non white immigrants getting something they somehow think they are not getting.

  14. Because the majority of his voters aren’t exposed to the crazy. The people who do know about it expect that behavior from him.

  15. Because people that are his diehards are going to vote for him no matter what. There’s nothing he could do to make that different. He’s already done everything he could to make that not happen outside of murdering someone. He continues to lie to them and they don’t care. He tried to overturn a free and fair election and again they don’t care.

  16. I think there are several reasons.

    We have an issue with our news reporting. Since we have for profit news agencies, they need to strive for more engagement from customers to make said profit. Controversy works well, and appealing to all sides is great for ensuring that you are not alienating possible demographics of customers to engage with your content and make more profit. The problem with that is it normalizes some rhetoric that frankly should not be. The election lies of 2020 is a great example of that.

    It is not all malicious, reporting on what Trump says and does is actually newsworthy being he is the leader of one of the major political parties and is a former president, the only convicted criminal former president we have ever had, the only one who has been impeached multiple times…he is worth reporting on because of how corrupt he is. But the way he is presented is as just another view instead of just being corrupt. That normalizes the Republican insanity and makes the race seem closer than it should be if we didn’t have our news organizations not trying to appeal to everyone.

    We also have seen how much the electoral college benefits Republicans. It is close because they literally have a handicap built into the system. Part of that advantage comes from the cap on members of the House of Representatives. If each representative represented the same number of people, we would have many more members on the House and it would be more representative of the population. Of course Republicans are not interested in leveling the playing field or playing fair at all, so that will most likely not change anytime soon.

    Also, I don’t think it is actually that close, however the minority of the voting population that is Trump’s cult is very loud. Politics is not everyone’s identity, but Trump is theirs. Their volume and absurdity makes up for their lack of numbers.

  17. Where are the hard facts that the race is close?? If an orange piece of shit wins then we all lose.

  18. Because the media Sane-washes everything he says to artificially keep this race close. Why? Clicks and ad money associated with watching a “tight” race versus what it should be, a landslide. Want an example? Take a look and listen to what Trump said a week or two ago about tariffs and child care. An incoherent mess of words that didn’t connect or have acting to do with each other. Other than being in an incoherent run on sentence. Yet, the media portrays it as “tariffs on this and that to pay for child care” and hail it as an actual plan. It’s a travesty to the American people.

  19. there is a lot of hate in this country and hate is very strong because it’s easy. Trumptard has weaponized it with russian help.

  20. I think it’s coming down to how shortsighted, ignorant and un/misinformed Americans are, in general. So many of them only see “well I paid less for eggs & gas 20 years ago, Dems have the presidency now so it must be their fault.”

  21. Stupid people will vote for stupid people I guess

    But genuinely astounded as to how many stupid people that are out there.

  22. The media “sane washes” Trump’s garbage words.

    There’s way too big of a threat of a dipshit dictatorship for anyone’s comfort. Voters have a responsibility to not just vote, but actively participate in getting more voters to choose blue.

    Donate blue, volunteer blue, recheck your voter registrations, and enthusiastically vote blue with friends! 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸

  23. Journalists are helping normalize Trump and 40% of voters are just fucking stupid or massively amoral.

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