Maybe it’s because it’s low hanging fruit? Or maybe the joke has been made too often in the past?

Maybe it’s because it’s low hanging fruit? Or maybe the joke has been made too often in the past?

by InteractionSmall7677

  1. Reaction image with every comment, asking where the dick jokes are, posting when Barry’s at work. Are you actually like 15? Because I don’t want to ridicule actual children.

  2. You mean more often than punchlines about Balcony Barry, François le Frog or Hitlerjunge Hans? C’mon, this sub is full of dead horse violence and that”s okay.

  3. Crap post ✅

    Weak meta ✅

    Utter nonce in the comments ✅

    Doesn’t know wtf Scandinavia even is ✅

    Making us all proud Barry. If it weren’t for the ”French” ”migrant” ”ships” we ought to build a wall straight through the Channel.

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