Some countries are ending support for EVs. Is it too soon?

Some countries are ending support for EVs. Is it too soon?

by techreview

  1. **From the article:**

    Germany, Sweden, and New Zealand have all scrapped their electric vehicle subsidy programs and seen a resulting slowdown or drop in sales. This comes at a time when the world needs to dramatically ramp up efforts to move to zero-emissions vehicles and pull fossil-fuel-powered ones off the roads to address climate change.

    Experts are now cautioning that ending these support systems too soon could jeopardize progress on climate change. As EVs continue to enter the mainstream, the question facing policymakers is how to decide when the technology is ready to stand on its own—something that will likely vary in each market.

  2. The money for these subsidies should be diverted to making ev supply chains in friendly and transparent countries, with better and cleaner production.

    Subsidising China which it currently is, is bad. I’m sorry but we need to get China out of our supply chains

  3. It depends on what the funds that would have gone to EVs are going to instead and whether restrictions on ICE vehicles are being tightened.

  4. If you owning an EV isn’t worth your own money to you what makes you think it’s worth my money to me to buy you an EV? The government doesn’t have to subsidize cell phones to get people to buy them, no one had to subsidize my car to get me to buy it, but very few people would buy an EV unless the government subsidizes the cost…did you ever wonder why? Remember, these are the same countries who were pushing CFLs on everyone just a few years ago, how well did that work out? Government mandates are pretty much always garbage and make worse problems than they were intended to solve at far higher cost.

  5. These mandates and subsidies would be put to much better use if plug in and generator hybirds also counted. They are more popular for a reason.

    The problem is we kinda skipped over hybrids too quickly, incentives for hybirdisation should have happened years back and slowly evolve over time to include EVs.

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