Man City’s Rodri out for season with ACL injury

Man City’s Rodri out for season with ACL injury

by SamDamSam0

  1. To be honest this gives me strong flashbacks to Van Dijk’s acl in 2020 in terms of potential knock on effects for the league. City did ok without rodri first few games this season, but theres a huge difference between surviving without a key player for a few weeks early on and going another 8 months with games coming 2x/week for most of it.

    They’re going to be relying heavily on Kovacic and De Bruyne who are both over 30 with extensive injury records. Getting Gundogan back could be their saving grace, but he’s getting up there in age too and will have a lot more water to carry now

  2. Mental that just after he comes and talks about the dangers of playing as many games as they are made to he buckles his knee. This is the result of what he’s talking about, something needs to change.

  3. Unfortunately, the best example of what we already know: there are WAY too many games at the top level. It’s not a coincidence that Rodri’s injury happened after an intense summer with Spain in the EUROs.

  4. As an Arsenal fan who hated City more than Tottenham at this point I still take no joy in seeing a player get injured. Good luck in your recovery. ACL is a rough one, had reconstruction myself about 6 years ago. He’ll have the best physios in the world working on him every day so he has that going for him.

  5. Players insisting that current workload is unhealthy, FIFA only sees the money. Not even multiple players suffering from ACL injuries across the footballing world is enough evidence to consider their claims.

  6. Got to say this..Arsenal fans..pls show some class..getting excited over injuries to other players
    P.S…not all Arsenal fans

  7. Arsenal blows out a guys ACL 10 seconds into the game and then cries victim for 90 minutes. Pathetic fan base.

  8. One of the best midfielders in the history of the prem, arguably #1. I hate him because I’m an arsenal fan but I wish him a good and swift recovery

  9. The PfA need to remember striking only during international matches will be very unpopular and could see a major backlash to the whole system of the PL being majority non homegrown and highly paid.

  10. I feel for him. Never wish this on any player. Rival or not. True champions want to compete against the best and he is that. To the Arsenal fans who are celebrating, remember you still gave up the lead without him on the pitch. Karma will come for you

  11. RIP City’s guaranteed 5th straight title I guess

    Hope he recovers fully and is back playing as good as he has been next season

  12. I’m an Arsenal fan, yet I don’t get the mentality of celebrating a player’s injury.

    Rodri is one of the best players in the world and it’s a joy to watch him play. I sincerely hope he will return stronger.

  13. Arsenal fan here. Get well soon Rodrigo. This may make the race more interesting. We shall see.

  14. really a shame to see, especially because it was basically a non contact injury (which is unfortunately super common when it comes to ACL’s). Hope he can fully recover.

  15. That’s a horrid injury to a genuinely great player. I hope he makes a full recovery and that Man City get relegated to the Vanorama.

  16. Well he was complaining about the game time so in a way he gets some rest? Before you downvote me to oblivion, it’s just a joke.

  17. I don’t like to see any player get bad injuries, rivalry or not. Especially one who has risen to the top like this. Hope he recovers well, it’s rough coming back from an injury like this.

  18. Non contact injury as well. Martinez went down with the same thing for us and it crippled us at the back for a season.

  19. Rival fans on Declan Rice being suspended and Odegaard being ruled out: Haha, that’s the end of your season! You love to see it!

    Rival fans on Arsenal fans feeling no sympathy for a player who twice went out of his way to injure Arsenal players: Show some fucking class, you degenerates!

    Pick a narrative…

  20. I hate City but that’s awful. He’s one of the best players on the planet. Fortunately, ACL reconstruction is now very well understood so he has good odds of coming back at the same level. He’s only 28. He’ll be full speed at 29.

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