[Mike Keegan] EXCLUSIVE : Manchester United’s regeneration project could be worth £7.3 BILLION per year to UK economy. Assessment by global firm anticipates huge impact. 100,00 stadium, 92,000 jobs, 17,000 homes and 1.8m visitors. Club will not seek public money for OT.

[Mike Keegan] EXCLUSIVE : Manchester United’s regeneration project could be worth £7.3 BILLION per year to UK economy. Assessment by global firm anticipates huge impact. 100,00 stadium, 92,000 jobs, 17,000 homes and 1.8m visitors. Club will not seek public money for OT.

by SamDamSam0

  1. This here is why I believe there will be no strict punishment against City, at most monetary compensation. UK wants that investment coming in

  2. Yeah, right. They won’t publicly ask for public money, but if the government suddenly [after a load of no-strings gifts] offered to fund this incredible “investment” they wouldn’t turn it down.

  3. They’ll say o money for OT – but I bet the surrounding area is open to funding…it’ll be back door funding…

  4. I never believed they wanted Tax payers money for the stadium, that’s easily paid for with a naming rights deal for a yearly fee 125% of the loan they get for the stadium.

    Public money will be for roads, train, sewage, electrical, water upgrades while the rest will likely be long term lease’s to private companies to build Snapdragon Arena adjacent.

    The upfront cost would always be to high for a club like this to pay, but Partnerships out the ass that brings in a % of the income, adds to their FFP pool without spending the bank. Seems to fit the cost saving United way right now. You can hate United if you like, but their Partnership model is second to none, they love free money off someone else hard work.

  5. “Will not seek public money” so why are you bringing up this supposed 7.3 billion pound figure?

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