This just screams desperation: Russia Pulled Men Off The Carrier ‘Kuznetsov’ And Sent Them To Ukraine

This just screams desperation: Russia Pulled Men Off The Carrier ‘Kuznetsov’ And Sent Them To Ukraine

by Noidea_whats_goingon

  1. Putin will start pulling children when the need arises. Shifting military personnel from naval duty to infantry was easy.

    Plus, less weight will help keep the Kuznetsov from sinking.

  2. The carrier is a floating wreck anyway… it is not going to sail again…

    There is a certain logic to the move as the Russisn fleet is unlikely to get any new ships anytime soon requiring trained personel…

  3. This is what you get in a war that is not going great and where various interests with power in a dictatorial government both need to contribute to the broader effort and not just hand over “their people” to some other group.. Think of the Luftwaffe “Field Divisions” or the motley collection of various SS national divisions/brigades/regiments/etc…

  4. The commanders told them that Ukraine was less of a death trap than that carrier. They might not be completely lying.

  5. It wasn’t going anywhere soon or most likely ever again anyway. The grinder requires more meat.

  6. Desperate, Yes. But… and hear me out… these soldiers have likely trained together a lot more therefore they will be a relatively cohesive unit.

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