Nothing says “TRUE LOVE” like Dumpy paying his wife $240k to make a campaign appearance for him.

Nothing says “TRUE LOVE” like Dumpy paying his wife $240k to make a campaign appearance for him.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. Well he couldn’t go visit the Log Cabin Republicans after just speaking at a Moms for Liberty event. But she could.

  2. Appearing in public with him has a price. Smiles and open affection cost extra which he obviously can’t afford.

  3. Get that bag. Lol Melania out there pocketing all this cash while literally giving 0 fucks about anything political at all. Kind of fucked up? Sure… but there’s something you gotta respect about the pure business side of it. She runs her marriage like a business, and she does it well.

  4. It’s all one giant unending grift with these POS Trumps.


  5. Obviously he’s going to outlive her so there goes all the plans, only things left to do is to fish whatever she can get and make sure her Hodor of a son can at least not let his topless mummy buried in another golf course.

  6. And still, she brushes his hand away.

    “I told you, Donald, no hand.”

    “But I thought that meant… oh.”

  7. And still, she brushes his hand away.

    “I told you, Donald, no hand.”

    “But I thought that meant… oh.”

  8. And still, she brushes his hand away.

    “I told you, Donald, no hand.”

    “But I thought that meant… oh.”

  9. What do you think Melania? Your husband just said anybody who was born outside the US should go back home.

  10. Eh, I’m not gonna complain about them spaffing money away instead of using it to improve their election chances

  11. She wasn’t worth anywhere near that in her peak hoe days, so this is frankly scandalous! Prostitutes aren’t like fine wine.

  12. Trump didn’t pay a single penny that is the scam. Idiots donated to Trump campaign. The Trump campaign then pays Trump’s wife a huge sum to do nothing. In effect a wealth transfer from idiots to Trump family.

    Grifters are going to grift.

  13. Kamala should jump all over this. Have her husband come out and talk about how he says positive things about his wife for free

  14. Kamala should jump all over this. Have her husband come out and talk about how he says positive things about his wife for free. That’s a campaign message!

  15. Smart move on her part start collecting the cash, she might not get anything if she waits for him to die.

  16. To be fair though, he probably paid her to sleep with him on their wedding night also, only I’m betting the campaign appearance was probably much more fun & satisfying!

  17. I hate her because she is a heartless birther racist pos who never should have been first lady.

    But I love that she pulls this shit and everyone knows how even his “wife” hates him, doesn’t support him and is extorting him for a few minutes of her time. But he is paying her to not divorce him. You cannot make these grifting assholes up.

  18. I’m sure that’s in the contract she first signed with Apprentice. Some sort of appearance fee for being seen with him. The has gone up every time she renegotiates the contract. It’ll cost him more money next go round.

  19. I sure would love to see all those IRS agents Trump b****** about being hired turn all their efforts to auditing him from stem to stern, getting into the nooks and crannies of his money laundering operation. He’s become more of a home shopping merchandise company as he grifts more and more.
    The fact that our little Putin plant Melanoma demands such high speaking fees is shocking, as she barely talks.

    I saw her Christmas ornaments for Patriots and her $99 bridal gown figurine advertised today at had a hard time keeping lunch down. Oh yeah, she’ll probably be Hawking his coins next!

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