Melania Trump Got Paid $237,500 For Appearing a at Political Event For Her Husband

Melania Trump Got Paid $237,500 For Appearing a at Political Event For Her Husband

Melania Trump Got Paid $237,500 For Appearing a at Political Event For Her Husband

Posted by inewser

  1. Can someone show me where Jill Biden or Doug Emhoff needed to be paid nearly a quarter million to be seen with their spouse in public.

  2. The Trump grift continues. I’m surprised it took him 70 years to recognize magats as the perfect marks they are.

  3. She married him for one reason … money! And then she thought there would be fame. Hahaha! She is as bad as he is!

  4. So… either this is a way of pocketing donor funds. Or (more likely) she wants so little to do with this that she has to be paid to appear.

  5. They are loosing, it’s time to start milking their base for every penny possible. MMW this won’t be the last time. It’s just getting started.

  6. It’s called cooking the books, laundering, or racketeering. Remember, EVERY TIME Trump accuses someone, it’s because he does it. He’s accusing Hillary of this exact same thing.

    How do you justif massive amounts of cash? Fake business dealings. This is why nobody has record of an actual payment.

    My Lumpy Trumpy..I really want that new Hermes bag.

    Okay dear, let me get you that $237k. Give me a day.

  7. I’m still confused by her post saying we’re talking about her nudes? Who even mentioned this like 20 years later and not even part of the White House anymore?!

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