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by sillychillly

  1. Americans funded the development of all 10 drugs up for Medicare price negotiations, contributing $11.7 billion to their research. Meanwhile, in 2022, Big Pharma made $70 billion selling those same drugs.

    Does this make sense to you? Shouldn’t the public, who funded the research, benefit more from the pricing of these medications? Let’s discuss how we can address the imbalance between public investment and private profit in the pharmaceutical industry.

  2. My bigger issue is how US pharma companies, who may or may not have benefited from US taxpayer dollars, will turn around and sell these drugs back to US customers for orders-of-magnitude higher prices than they sell the same drugs to other countries.

  3. >

    10 drugs for $11.7B? That might have been partial assistance of some sort, but that’s almost certainly not full funding for 10 drugs.

    And that $70B is over how many years? 10? 20?

    Let’s see the data.

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