Selenskyj nennt JD Vance „zu radikal“ und sagt, der Krieg dürfe nicht auf Kosten der Ukraine enden

Selenskyj nennt JD Vance „zu radikal“ und sagt, der Krieg dürfe nicht auf Kosten der Ukraine enden

  1. It wouldn’t be Vance making the decision. It would be Trump throwing Ukraine to the wolves.

    Vance has one job: Kiss Trump’s ass.

  2. Agreed.

    Imagine if America were invaded. Our military would not be making any concessions to the invaders, only promises to destroy them entirely if they don’t leave. I don’t see why Republicans in the Trump camp expect them to make any deals, as if it will actually be honored anyways.

  3. Rightfully so. Vance clearly shows little interest in letting Ukraine keep its territorial integrity.

  4. It’s a bit unpredictable who’d in cases that are not like reagen, so we can’t expect anything

  5. Well I mean yeah, you would have to be to agree with a partnership under Trump.

    They both suck Putins schlong and will go full double deep throat if they get into the office. So ya know.. go vote America.

  6. “Vance, who was selected as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s running mate in July, has been outspoken about his opposition to U.S. aid for Ukraine. He repeatedly has said that he “doesn’t care about Ukraine,” including just days after the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

    Vance also repeatedly disparaged Ukraine and voiced his unwillingness to continue U.S. support in leaked text messages with far-right conspiracy theorist Charles Johnson, the Washington Post reported on Aug. 7.

    According to the texts, which Johnson shared with the Washington Post, Vance said in October 2023, “Dude, I won’t even take calls from Ukraine.” The exchange came as congressional Republicans began blocking an aid package for Ukraine, an impasse that continued for several months.”

    Further confirmation that Vance is just as horrible a choice as trump is for the White House

  7. He’s corrupt as Ukraine is ! The UN refuses to recognize Ukraine because of corruption at the government level.

  8. If I were supporting Trump, I would have been so embarrassed when he picked a clown like Vance. He’s just got a personality like dry paint, and he says the wildest stuff that demonstrates how far away from reality he is… it boggles the mind how people listen and are just so desperate to hear something that makes sense to them and this is what they get… makes me sad.

  9. I will give two shits about what ANY foreign leader says about our political candidates the day hell freezes over.

  10. “Reactionary” not “radical” – I remember learning the difference from Christopher Hitchens in Letters to a Young Contrarian.

  11. For those in the know:

    Is Ukraine getting free weaponry or are they paying / indebted?

    What do the EU / US eventually get out of a free Ukraine and weaker Russia?

    What do the American people get?

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